Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tell Me Lord

                                                                          Tell me Lord

Tell me Lord is it not true
that we have alot of work to do?

Are we not supposed to give to the poor
give to the needy when you have blessed us with more?

why then do church goers lock their arms tight
to keep what they have hidden from the light?

They don't care who has a need
as long as it doesn't touch their greed?

yet, they say they are saved and believe
but they think it is more blessed to receive

Why then does this not make since to me
they shut their eyes to the poor so they won't see?

If I am wrong Lord please let me know
But you said in our hearts let Jesus show

Jesus you said to help and to give
pray for the sick this is how to live

To love and forgive everyone
then your work is seen and done

How could they get off the beaten path
of the mercy and compassion the Lord Jesus hath

not stingy and greedy like the scribes and pharisee
a religious hypocrite to enter heaven he has no key

like the rich man who let the leppar at his gate lay and beg
when he saw he was wrong he was in hell he was already dead

or the camel in the needles eye that will never fit
nor will the rich and greedy soul in heaven ever sit

Humble and lowly my Jesus does walk
not prideful or with arrogant talk

One day, maybe soon, we will all like Jesus live
with a heart of compassion to the poor we will give.

Florida 2001
"Kimi" aka Kimmy Nelson

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